10 Must-haves For A Warm And Welcoming Home
No one wants a home that feels cold and clinical, even those who prefer minimalist interiors like a bit of comfort. A warm and welcoming home makes us feel safe and cozy. And it’s perfectly inviting for family and friends too. But what features and décor are essential to making a home warm and welcoming? Here are ten popular must-haves for every interior.
1. Bright Walls
Making sure your walls are bright is vital. But bright white doesn’t necessarily feel so welcoming. Warmer tones such as terracotta, peach, and beige are often the way. Off-whites and muted greens add warmth to smaller spaces while creating a bright and airy feel.
2. Lots Of Plants
There’s nothing more welcoming and mood-boosting than natural greenery. So, every room should feature plants. If you’re not green-fingered and don’t want to settle for faux, try spider and snake plants, which are easy to care for.
3. Layered Soft Furnishings
A cozy atmosphere is easy to achieve with plenty of soft furnishings. And layering them up ensures a snug feel, so this is another must-have. Accessible places to layer soft furnishings, but layering up the floor is another option. Overlap flatweave rugs and scatter floor cushions to achieve this look.
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4. A Flickering Fire
Nothing feels more warm and homely than a flickering fire. So, it’s no surprise that many think it’s an essential element of a welcoming home. And many of us are installing new fireplaces and log burning stoves. If you need a chimney lining or structural changes, though, the cost of a new log burner or fitting an open fireplace could be expensive. Consider faking it with an electric stove or log-effect fireplace to get that cozy feeling for less.
5. Underfloor Heating
Of course, giving your home an overall warm feeling is better than heating just a few hot spots. Underfloor heating works well at efficiently heating a whole room and warming our bodies. So, this is many people’s must-have. And if you’re living in a cooler climate, it’ll get plenty of use – making underfloor heating a good investment.
6. Entertaining Space
A home can’t be welcoming if there’s nowhere to seat guests, so an entertaining space is essential. Creating more than one friendly space gives you dining, chatting, and relaxing options. And allowing more connections between spaces means you can cook while interacting with your guests.
7. Plenty Of Comfy Seating
This leads nicely to the subject of comfy seating. It has to be every home’s must-have feature. But how many of us have struggled to seat our whole family or extra guests? A corner couch is excellent for creating comfy and sociable seating with the family and thinking about adding a few occasional chairs. So, you’ve got extra seating that’s compact yet comfortable, and no one misses out.
8. Natural Light
Light, airy spaces tend to feel less oppressive and more welcoming. So, natural light is undoubtedly a must-have. Don’t block it out. Rooms such as the hallway and kitchen always feel more friendly and welcoming with lots of natural light but sometimes lack it. Add mirrors to dark hallways and consider French doors to bring extra light to your kitchen.
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9. Ambient Lighting
A warm glow in the evening adds to that homely feel that many of us welcome in our interiors. But with just one ceiling light, it’s impossible to achieve. Pop lamps onto tables and shelves around the room to create a better ambiance and tick off this must-have feature.
10. Pleasant Scents
A smelly home is an unpleasant one. And not one you can invite guests into. So, keeping the home clean and fresh is always essential. Certain smells, such as baking bread, make a place feel homely. At the same time, the pleasant scent of essential oils, fresh flowers, and diffusers will enhance any room.
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