Our Journey of Faith

Baptism is the sacrament that makes us Christians. Through this sacrament of initiation, we begin our lives with Christ. Baptism washes away Original Sin (as well as personal sin in those older people who receive it). As the Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “Through baptism we are freed from sin and regenerated as children of God, we become members of Christ and we are incorporated into the church and made participants in its mission…” (CCC 1213).
The day we are baptized is an important day for us. During a papal audience, Saint John Paul II said that the day he was baptized was the most important day of his life. One may think it was the day he was made pope, the day he became a bishop or the day he was ordained a priest, but he recognized the importance of baptism as the day he began his life with Christ, the community Christian, the church. We are brothers and sisters by our baptism. Click here for other information about Amish schoolhouse.
The sacrament of baptism marks us indelibly, so that, from the moment of our baptism, our lives are intimately united with Christ. Nothing can erase or take away the gift that God gives us at baptism. My hope is that all the baptized understand the wonderful intimacy given to us in this sacrament. Baptism also brings us into unity with the entire body of Christ, the Christian community, the church. We are brothers and sisters by our baptism.
How do families prepare for the sacraments?
Bishop Vásquez: Even before a child is born, parents want to give their child the best. The Christian faith is the greatest gift that parents can share with their children. Before their child is born, parents can prepare for their child’s baptism by contacting the parish. Parents usually receive instructions reminding them of the importance of this sacrament. When parents prepare before the baby is born, they can baptize him as soon as he is born and the child already begins to experience the life of grace and is part of the Christian community. I want to encourage each parent to baptize his child. Some parents who are not married wonder if they can baptize their children. It is not a requirement that the parents be married in the church. The baptism of a child is an opportunity for the church to evangelize and assist unmarried parents to receive the sacrament of marriage.
As a priest and bishop, I am sure that you have baptized many babies and older children and adults. What does celebrating this sacrament mean to you?
Bishop Vásquez: It is a joyous occasion when parents, relatives, and friends bring children to be baptized. As a priest, I cannot help but experience the same joy of knowing that at a baptism, a new Christian life will be added to the church and a new disciple will be welcomed into the Body of Cirstus.
Baptism is special for the friends and family who surround the baby and pray together for the child, and it is special for the church that is committed, together with the parents and godparents, to making sure that the child is raised to be the best Catholic. possible. Therefore, celebrate the
Sacrament of Baptism is always a joyous experience for me.
What is expected of parents who bring their children to church to be baptized?
Bishop Vásquez: First and foremost, parents should want their children to obtain the sacrament of baptism. They must want the child to be a Christian and to belong to the Christian community. During the rite of baptism, parents make public commitments to raise the child to be a good Catholic, so they must understand this commitment.
As I visit parishes to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, I remind parents of when they brought their children to the font of baptism and of the commitment they made to raise their children to be good Catholics. When they send their children to confirmation, parents are keeping those promises they made during baptism. Parents are committed throughout their lives to helping their sons or daughters grow in the Catholic faith. Baptism is the beginning of that journey of faith.
What is the role of godparents in the sacraments?
Bishop Vásquez: The role of godparents is to support parents as they help their children to live as Christians. As the catechism says, the godfather and godmother “must be solid believers, capable and ready to help the newly baptized, boy or girl, on their way of Christian life” (1255). How do godparents do that? they accompany the child’s parents to ensure that the child remains close to the Catholic faith. Also